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Shower screen

Our selection of espresso machine shower screen parts

Espresso machine shower screen parts

La Pavoni Millenium IMS precision shower 54mm

On this product page you will find a precision shower screen which is suitable for Post millennium La Pavoni and Gaggia lever brewing groups which have a 54mm brewing group. This item is manufactured by the Italian company IMS Filtri and has the article number PA200IM54 The external diameter of this shower screen is 54mm, the internal diameter is 49mm and...

Conti group shower

The shower screen on this product page is quite unique. This is a Conti lever espresso machine shower screen. This shower screen has 3 bolt holes instead of the traditional 1 bolt hole. This shower screen has the part reference of 072200  This stainless-steel shower screen has in total 3 mounting holes. The outer diameter of this shower screen is 57mm....

La Cimbali shower screen spring

La Cimbali M15 and M20 shower screen spring. This stainless steel spring keeps the flat shower screen firmly in place during brewing.To clean the shower screen just gently compress the spring and pull it out. the shower screen will fall out of the brewing group right away.Return to the La Cimbali lever parts overview

Pavoni Europiccola post millenium group shower 54mm

On this page you will find a standard shower screen for post millennium La Pavoni and Gaggia lever brewing groups. This specific item has been manufactured by IMS Filtri, not a competition shower screen. Part number is PADE105. This shower screen has a outer diameter of 54mm and the height of the shower is 14mm. the distance between the holes is 2,00mm...

La Pavoni Pre millenium IMS precision shower 52mm

Do you want to go a step further as a home barista with your La Pavoni Lever espresso machine? Then replacing your stock shower screen on your la Pavoni with a pre-millenium brewing group could be one of the first steps. This precision shower is manufactured in Italy by the most famous shower screen and filter basket manufacturers in the world IMS...

La Cimbali group shower

La Cimbali M15 lever stainless steel group shower screen. This screen is clamped in place by a spring.Make sure to remove the shower screen regularly to clean it. A dirty shower screen has influence on the taste of the coffee.Return to the La Cimbali lever parts overview

La Pavoni Europiccola group shower 52mm

This shower screen is suitable for the pre-millennium La Pavoni lever brewing group, this is only for the domestic lever espresso machines. This filterbasket is manufactured by the Italian company IMS filtri. The shower screen has a outer diameter of 52mm and a height of 14mm. it has been made from stainless steel. The Pavoni part reference for this item...