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Our selection of espresso machine lever group bearings parts

Espresso machine lever group bearings

Gaggia ball bearing

The bearing is essential on a lever espresso machine brewing group. Otherwise it is not possible to transfer the lever movement in a vertical movement. In the brewing group of the Gaggia lever groups the bearings are embedded inside the group. On each side you will find one bearing where the pinion gear can ride on.

Lever group ball bearing

Quite often you see that bearings are used in sort of a way. The same in this situation with a lever brewing group. The bearing in this case is slid over the bearing pin axle. When you lower the lever the bearing will make the action more easily. This bearing has a inner diameter of 10mm so it can be slid over the bearing axle. It is a sealed bearing so...

Faema lever group ball bearing set

All the Faema Lever brewing groups use ball bearings to function properly, they are not all the same btw. The ball bearing set on this page is suitable for the Faema President, Faema Urania, Faema Lambro, Faema Mercurio (with the zodiac type group) and the Faema Zodiac group type. The Faema Marte and first series of the Faema Mercurio use a different...

Ball bearing lever group

Fiorenzato piazza san marco lever group ball bearing. Replacing your old bearing with a new one makes a huge difference in smoothness. Return to the Fiorenzato lever parts overview